
Sunday, December 23, 2012

DIY Ikea Lack Lego Table

Ok, so this is an embarrassingly easy project. I saw this on an Ikea Hackers website where they make really creative things using some plain Ikea furniture. The week after I saw this idea, I went shopping at the rich people's Goodwill in our area. You know, that Goodwill right by that super nice neighborhood where you probably couldn't even afford to eat the dirt off their perfectly manicured lawn but at least you can afford their castaways? That one. Anyway, I found the very table I needed at that Goodwill. I wasn't even looking for it. It was pure luck. And it was only $4.50. Next I bought 4 Lego green baseplates for $4.99 a piece at the Lego store. I attached them to the table using adhesive spray glue and plastic model glue. Word of advice: Make sure if you make this to connect the baseplates using Legos or Duplos to make certain the dots line up for the separate squares or else you may have a very frustrated child on your hands.

Total cost for the project: $24.50

Most Lego tables start in the $50s and go up so I'm pretty pleased. I have some good ideas for Lego storage attached to the table but I've not gotten that far yet. One June moment at a time....

1 comment:

  1. Duplos to make certain the dots line up for the separate squares or else you may have a very frustrated child on your hands. play tables for lego
