I recently joined Weight Watchers about 2 weeks ago and have lost 11 lbs and one pants size to date. I am very pleased with my success and the program as a whole. I tried dieting last year using Nutrisystem where they provide you with the food. The food was TERRIBLE. I literally had to rehydrate a chicken breast for one of my meals. If you know me, I love to cook so this was just not going to fly. I was cooking delicious food for my husband and then pouring boiling water over a dehydrated "hamburger" patty for myself plus making something for my milk, egg, and peanut allergy boy who was one at the time. Three dinners in one night was enough to drive even the sanest person crazy. I quickly gave that up and just started counting calories with an app called LoseIt! and doing Zumba. I lost about 20lbs in one month. However, I took advantage of my success and started cheating here and there with food and stopped doing Zumba and I didn't lose another pound until I started WW this year.
UPDATED to add **I want to preface this by saying that my goal to lose weight is not simply a vain one. While it would be nice to wear a size two, that is not my main motivation. I recently was told that I have high cholesterol. Part of that is due to genetics, the main reason being my choice of foods. That was a wake up call for me. I want to be healthy for my son and set a good example for him and for our future children.**
What I like about WW is that you really honestly can eat what you want. If you want to eat 15 Snickers bars, you can but you will take away all of your allowed points for the day. They figure up your allotted daily points by calculating height, weight, age, and activity level in this complicated formula. Foods higher in fat and carbs have more points, foods higher in proteins and fiber are less. Fruits and veggies are 0 points (or free points) so you can eat as many as you want per day. You are also allowed 49 flex points throughout the week to add on wherever you see fit. WW has really taught me to eat healthier and has helped me learn what fills me up. I realized this the first time when I went to Applebees with my husband to watch a basketball game. I was craving a Maple Butter Blondie which was 30 points!!!! It was the last day in the week and I still had all my flex points so I went for it. It was gone in 2 seconds flat and I was left filling disappointed and hungry. The next night at home I ate a chicken breast with some pasta and had two big helpings of a green veggie for a measly 9 points and felt stuffed to the brim. That was my Aha! moment.
I'm really proud of the deliberate eater I've become. I still get to cook amazing foods, but I watch things like how much cheese I'm putting in a dish and serving size. I think this is going to be a really successful program for me. I had lost all but 7 lbs of my pregnancy weight the week after having my son, but had a horrible bout with postpartum depression and gained 33 lbs. I lost 20 lbs of that last year and now have lost 11 lbs on WW in the past couple of weeks. I'm 2 lbs away from the lowest I got after having my son and 9 lbs away from pre-pregnancy. It's only taken me about 2 1/2 years, but considering all that my family has gone through in that time, I couldn't be happier! Once I hit that pre-pregnancy weight, I still have about 20-30 lbs I would like to lose that I gained in college so I know that this will be a long journey but I feel ready for it!
very nice! You go girl! :)